Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Music In Hand

I now have all the music in hand that I will be playing between now and December 7th. There are four sets on my music stand in the picture above. Ensembles include Warren Civic Orchestra (violin 1), Jamestown Community Orchestra (violin 2), pit orchestra (violin 1) for JCC's production of Peter Pan (Director's Blog), and "The Living Christmas Tree" (violin 2).

Deep breath.

It's 19 performances total. The first one is this Saturday for the 125th Gala Anniversary of Struther's Library Theatre in Warren, PA.

1 comment:

Steve Lafreniere said...


Can you give me the dates--or point me at websites with the dates--of your concerts, and which you'd most recommend? Email me if you can: friendlier999@hotmail.com.


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