Friday night, we chilled at home and caught most of SW: Empire Strikes Back. Little did I know that this viewing would prepare me for other tasks later in the weekend.
Saturday I ran around picking up groceries and some more Gift-mas presents in anticipation that there would be too much snow and wind to make a Wegman's trip on Sunday sensible.
I actually had already published this post when I remembered this next bit. I told you the weekend was a blur! Saturday afternoon, we went to Artist Share at the Reg Studio Theatre. While I've played in orchestras and at weddings over the past some years, it had been over 12 years since I had soloed on the violin in front of a crowd of people. I decided against doing a piece a I was more comfortable with because I felt it was a bit of a bore, even with its sense of humor. Instead, I crunched out "Polish Dance" by Severn which is a bit more showy and fun. There was a moment after I set my music on the stand and felt for that first note on my finger board that I realized, "Oh crap. I have to play. I have to just start playing! No tentative bow stroke to make sure that first note is in tune. No quick run through. I gotta do this!! CRAP!" Matt tells me I did well. I think I ended up being more excited that I was followed by Jonah Hathaway (J-Sight). A good time. There's now rumors that I might have some other playing opportunities come January (not necessarily public venues).
Makkaio and I took his parents out for a wedding anniversary dinner to Vullo's. Immediately after that, we took off for a Holiday party at our friend, Scott's, apartment. Fortunately, I remained sensible and didn't over-indulge in the "Drunken Grinch Piss Punch" that tasted nothing like alcohol, but certainly was loaded with vodka.
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! I did the news, talked to Galoot before he got into his Mother Ginger regalia, and then settled into my seat to watch The Nutcracker. I really do enjoy this ballet, but the first half is just a wee tad disturbing. Phallic looking clocks that grow? Trees that grow? Older men whisking a young girl all around? Toys that come to life and kill rats? I'm not sure what Tchaikovsky was thinking. The second act was great fun with all the different dances and I did the dreamy-girl sigh when it came time for the Pas de Deux.
Later on, we went to one of my CLN friend's houses around the corner to see his Star Wars collection. I'm starting to think that Dan might be one of the biggest SW fans I know when it comes to collecting the toys from the series. Matt and I were really impressed, but Matt kept whispering to me, "I had that when I was kid. Damnit! I need to get on eBay!"

But as much of a fan as Matt is, it was me who saved our arses from total humiliation while playing Star Wars Trivial Pursuit. Regardless, we still lost because we couldn't remember Darth Vader's very first lines in Star Wars IV.
A fun weekend. Didn't get a lot accomplished around the house. This week will be another doozy with 8 batches of peanut brittle to make before Friday, gift-mas wrapping, general house stuff, an uber-short trip to Rochester for cookie decorating, and then Buffalo on Monday to ... cripes almighty. I need a nap.
Dragalia. Drag-alia! How many times must we go over this? As always, your patronage was appreciated - even though you didn't provide pre-show music for the ballet. Kate Bush?
I only do pre-show music for special groups. But anyway. What Kate Bush song did you have in mind? Red Shoes?
Where are those transmissions you intercepted?
Sorry, had to wave my geek flag.
/forceChoke Gary
My what a fun weekend! Thanks for making Artists Share so cool.
Who's scruffy-looking?
Not to brag, Ma Snaps, but I have an original script page of that exchange between Lea and Han. It'll be the focal point in the shrine someday. Anyone is welcome to come pray when it is up.
My friend John (blogs as Jackbear) picked up that Trivial Pursuit and we played one night with his family. It's the only time we ever played, as whichever player went first answered everything correctly until he/she won.
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