Thursday, December 27, 2001
The Post-Holiday Crash
Back at work after the “holidays.” It was nice to spend time with my family. Unfortunately, in a few days, oh say around January 3rd, I’ll realize that the holidays are over. It’s usually a “crashing” feeling since I really enjoy the warmth of the Christmas holidays. Everything seems gray and blah after December. I really don’t happy about the weather and stuff until around April. Perhaps a mild form of S.A.D. (Seasonal Affected Depression/Disorder). Something like that. But anyway..
A Crash of Snow
Everyone was very concerned about me traveling up to Buffalo Christmas Eve. It turned out to be sunny the whole way there until I got to Cheektowaga. It was snowing at a rate of 5 inches an hour when it came time to leave my grandparents for Lackawanna that night. Nothing bad other than snow accumulating faster than you could wipe it off your car. I opted to avoid the expressway and take Union Road back to my grandma’s. One of my daily bloggers, Jessica, had also gone to Buffalo for the holidays. Bop on over to her blog to read the short description of her winter experience. We were late for Midnight Mass (which was actually at 11pm), so we missed most of the carols but not the actual service.
On Christmas Day, while it was sunny and generally only a couple of inches of snow in Lackawanna, my grandparents were stuck in their driveway in Cheektowaga. Matt was able to come up from Jamestown, so I was very happy about that. We ate dinner, opened more presents, and then watched tv. We ended up watching a September 11th benefit concert on VH-1. That was fun since my grandma and Aunt Margie sang along with the songs they knew. Good times all around. My kitchen is now overflowing with leftover ham and way too many cookies.
Gasoline Fiasco
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the disparities in gas pricing between here and Buffalo. The cheapest you can find gas in Chautauqua County (easily) is $1.19. I have to go over Airport Hill to find that price. Now, if you go up to Lackawanna (just south of Buffalo), gas is only $1.07. I was disgusted. Fortunately, I had the inkling that gas would be cheaper there and held off on filling my tank. On the way back home, I had Matt stop at the Indian Reservation, where he paid $0.93 a gallon. When was the last time you paid that little for gas??? So I’m disgusted with the gas station owners here. Looks like I’ll have to make the 17 mile trip to Onoville next time I need gas (the closest Indian Reservation).
Cutting to the Scene with the Pixie
Ten years ago, I decided to do one of the most drastic things I had ever done to my hair. I went from a long style (below collarbone) to a p...

The company that owns the Jamestown Post-Journal has decided to join the rest of the crazy Internet world by getting its employees to blog ...
I wrote this on another site: Perhaps I'm too old for the reveal-all-confessional type of blogging but reading claw marks lately ...
I'm hosting an anonymous Blogger today as part of Blog Share. Many thanks to -R- for undertaking this project again even while being p...
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