Friday, October 05, 2001


I'm doing much better now. Had a talk with the boss. Found out that I was right afterall and that things are good. It's a much better day. Hooray for that!

The On-Going Saga of the House

Good Things: The furnace works. It only took $300 of repairs by King's Heating (bill sent to Landlord Greg). The bathroom is done (aside from getting leg extenders for the cabinet over the toilet and maybe another towel rack). The office/middle bedroom is in the process of being stripped of wallpaper and will soon be stippled and painted. A lot of stuff has been taken out of boxes and put in more proper places. I have Internet access again.

Bad Things: The brand new stove from Sears apparently is leaking gas.. as in fumes. A not so bad thing, but still annoying is having to thread phone lines through the wall so that we can use our second phone line for our Internet connection. Only one room has the second line. Our bedroom. Not a huge problem.

Moving took all weekend. Matt and I had to stay overnight Sunday to Monday at the Comfort Inn since we had no heat, no sleeping area set up, and no place to shower. I like the Comfort Inn. They feed you in the morning. We didn't go into work on Monday. That day was spent setting up a sleeping area (aka our bedroom) and the shower facilities. Good times. It will be so nice when everything is finally done and in place.

Political Front

We are a week away from elections. I was assigned a new duty today. That would be co-managing Jamestown's Democratic Headquarters. Wish me luck! Never done anything like this before but I think I should be able to handle it. Expect rants and raves over the next few weeks though *grins*

On a recent past post note: My co-worker implied I wasn't "pulling my weight" in this campaign and that I always had an excuse when asked to help out with stuff. Last I checked, I always cheerfully did what he asked me to do (as he ran around outside the office wasting time). My thoughts that I was wrongfully accused and mistreated were confirmed after my talk with the Boss and Campaign Manager. It's nice to be right. So I'm not all angry and pissed off at the moment. I have to admit there is a small feeling of superiority actually. I guess something like this will do that. I just need to keep working hard.

Look Out! The Weather Is Strange. The Only Thing We Know That's Gonna Come For Sure Is Change

It was in the mid 70s earlier this week. The weekend looks to be more Fall-like. It's going to be rainy, misty, chilly, windy and possibly snow-showery. Showery *heh* It makes me wish we could actually use the fireplace, but I think we're holding off for a little on that one. I bought some fresh apple cider and pure maple syrup from Peterson's Farm Market on Fluvanna Ave. Wednesday after work. Nothing sounds better right now than sitting on the porch with an afghan around me, sipping hot apple cider, and looking at the changing colors of leaves on the trees. Heaven!

I also want to take a walk through the woods nearby if I have time this long weekend. Tomorrow morning I'll be out walking while we do "lit" (aka literature) drops around Jamestown. Good exercise at least. I'm also hoping to see "Serendipity" and/or "Hearts In Atlantis" this weekend. Matt seems up to "Serendipity" since John Cusack is in it. Lori will also be in town to visit Chuck, so maybe we'll go out with them as well. Gotta love these three-day weekends!

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