In honor of Fat Tuesday, I decided to send the floor I work on into a sugar coma this morning. Ecklof's Bakery, a local Swedish bakery, is one of the largest local producers of paczki this time of year.

Here is Amanda, another Polish co-worker, trying to decide which paczki she will devour. The bakery was already low on black raspberry, so I got 4 black raspberry, 4 red raspberry, and 4 custard.

Back at my desk, I made a mess of a black raspberry, sugar-coated concoction along with some hot tea I brought in to stave off a post-doughnut crash.
I was unaware of this food. Doughy, filled with fruity stuff. Right on!
Julia!!!!!! If you had to do that....you could have at least added that it was my birthday!
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