Matt and I spent a lovely weekend in Orangeville, Ontario visiting our friends, Christa & Stewart. Since Kodak has done some fancy upgrading of EasyShare, I was able to easily upload all our pictures from the trip. No captions yet, but still worth looking at the fantastic scenery and downtown areas. The picture to the left was taken from the top of Mono Cliffs. We had hiked several kilometers before reaching the pond below, and then we hiked up to the outlook where this picture was taken.
Photo Album Here.
Did Christa hike with you? Do they let you do that when you're a week away from your due date? She's huge! Can you imagine if she had gone into labor on the hike? Eek!
Nice pics. :)
oh my goodness, i envy the pregnant lady fit enough to do that hike! i'll just be heading to the gym now...
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